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The Impact of Mobility

Pastor Christophe

Updated: May 28, 2024

My name is Christophe. I am the Regional Lead Pastor for the Community Church Ministries in XXXXX, Guinea Conakry. I am grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ, and for Momentum in Missions, for the motorbike you purchased for me in February. This bike is an answered prayer for me and the Ministry work I am doing. As my job description is to coordinate churches and plant new ones in the region, namely in (xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx City, and two new villages)* where I am starting churches this year. The bike is a blessing in that, it helps get me to those places I want to go in a timely manner. Since I obtained the bike, I am able to visit each of the above mentioned villages monthly to conduct trainings, and have meetings that enhance church growth. Another development is that, I have visited many towns and villages which I was unable to go in past years due to lack of transportation. Because of this, I am starting TWO churches this year in these towns (xxxxx and xxxxx).*

If you have a desire to pray for my ministry:

-please pray that God will empower me to serve Him correctly

-pray that God will stir hearts towards himself as we go out into the harvest

-pray that God will provide us with gasoline for our travels.

(*names of these villages above are withheld for security reasons)

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