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NEW CHURCH PLANT in West Africa!

A Pastor in West Africa

Updated: Jan 9, 2024

May the Lord God be praised for his mighty deeds! We magnify his Name forever.

Serving God is a privilege, and above all, making disciples to expand the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is better. This is the great joy that animates me every day in fulfilling this divine duty. In December, God in his grace, allowed a few of us pastors to go and evangelize a village. The enthusiasm and eagerness that characterized the inhabitants of this village encouraged us. They received the Gospel of Salvation with fervor, and that day 267 people heard the Good News and 96 gave their lives to Jesus. So now we are in the process of planting a new evangelical Church in this village! We give all praise to God!

What pleases us to be preachers of the Gospel of Salvation is that a few days after our evangelism, the King of the village invited us to come back for an interview. At the end of this interview, the King and the village elders gave us LAND TO BUILD a place of worship for the Church.

This is the challenge that is currently facing us. We must mobilize $250 for the administrative papers, and $1500 to build at least one hangar to serve as a meeting place. We will also have to make the chairs, benches, pulpit, and buy sound equipment.

We ask all people who love to see the Kingdom of God grow, to help us- so that the Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus is known and lifted up in this village. We want to explain that the $1500 is just for having a hangar, but not a construction in permanent materials. Because having a construction in permanent materials would cost around $10,000 and that is a lot of money. But at least with $1500, we can have something temporary to begin worship services with. We are eager to begin and the souls here in this village have shown hunger for the Truth of the Gospel.

May the Lord, the Holder of all goods and resources, bless you and touch your hearts so that you are able to satisfy all your needs and fulfill all good works in the Lord. Amen!

(**the above photos demonstrate similarly what we will be constructing as our new church in this village, and what the benches and pulpit will be like.)

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