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An Experience to Cherish Forever!

Writer's picture: Rosemary FisherRosemary Fisher

(pictured: the church plant in rural Zimbabwe. Shown here is the medical outreach using the church building. Everyone under the church roof are pastors meeting 1:1 with people who had come for the medical outreach. This day 448 people were seen and 74 accepted Christ!!)

I returned from Zimbabwe about 10 days ago and had an experience there that I will absolutely cherish in my heart forever!

Two years ago I was in Zimbabwe and met a pastor there who was 67 years old and walking 5 1/2 HOURS every day for his ministry commitments. At that time, he was complaining of leg pain, but despite that, he was so committed to the Gospel, that he would continue the trek on foot to do what the Lord had called him to, heading out on foot every day at 5:15 AM. The time in which I had met this pastor was shortly after the Lord had put a call on my life to begin providing motorcyles for pastors in the bush. Four months after meeting this Zimbabwean pastor, the Lord provided funds to purchase a motorbike for him. Then, within 4 months of him owning the motorcycle, this pastor had already planted 3 churches!! He would later tell me how the doors for the Gospel were opening so wide because of his ability now to reach out to people far from him. I recall, soon after the third church was planted, he had a total of 80 church members between the three churches!

Fast forward to two weeks ago! I travel to Africa a few times per year with an organization called "Mission Partners for Christ." We bring medical teams to Africa to serve people groups who are underserved with health care, and unreached with the Gospel, for the purpose of evangelizing unreached people groups. Through a connection from two years ago, we were able to bring our medical team to 4 rural villages in Zimbabwe! I did not know this was going to happen, but our second day of the medical outreach was held at one of the church plants by the Zimbabwean pastor who had received the motorbike! To my surprise, he was there to greet our team! He took me over and showed me the motorcycle and then had me turn around and look at the church building! He gave testimony of God's goodness, that upon receiving the bike, he was now able to travel out to this remote location and plant this church! There are 50 people attending this church regularly! He stressed to me that without the bike, he would never be able to trek there on foot; and he pointed out to me that everyone living in this area, are also on foot, so they cannot travel to a different church even if there was one! Most of his church members were there that day and stayed for the whole day of our medical outreach. They would spontaneously break out into song on and off all day, and the JOY and excitement of these beautiful people is something I will never forget! I told the pastor near the close of our medical outreach that "anyone coming today for the medical outreach will see this JOY of the Christians and WANT TO BE A PART of it!" He told me there had already been people coming, who were saying, "I don't even need to see the American doctors, I JUST WANT TO BE PART OF THIS CHURCH! From now on, this is my church too!"

Hallelujah, Praise God from whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!

It is one thing to be in America, and learn of these pastor's needs, and then, through the Lord's help and provision, meet some of them. But to be able to visit in person, see the motorbike, and then see the fruit of it- the growing church plant, and then also MEET the church, what a precious gift from the Lord! That day marked me... I returned from Zimbabwe committed to work even harder for the Gospel. I am praying that GOD WOULD USE ME MORE! I am praying that He continues to open doors for us and send more ministry partners- both those who need assistance, and those who can provide it! If you would like to be a part of this amazing work of providing resources to pastors and missionaries in developing nations, please click on the DONATE NOW button and leave a donation for us! I promise that 100% of all donations goes towards fulfilling our ministry objectives!

Acts 20:24 But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus-the work of telling others about the wonderful grace of God!

The Zimbabwe pastor with his motorcycle.

This picture was taken on the way to the medical outreach at this village of the church plant, to show how rural the area is. We are being escorted by a motorbike!

Zimbabwe homes on the drive to the medical outreach.

Some of the beautiful members of this church plant, with the church behind us! THANKING GOD FOR HIS PROVISIONS AND BLESSINGS, AND FOR THIS MOTORBIKE! Because now ALL of these people have accepted Christ and can worship together every Sunday!

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